The ‘Next Generation Of Sustainability Initiatives’


From being a back seat observer, sustainability is gaining more importance in the business world. – 28 July 2016 – The place of sustainability in a business agenda has grown from occupying “a footnote or an appendix” mentioned in an annual business report to be incorporated as “fully developed” and “comprehensive strategy” that helps in optimizing businesses in a meaningful manner besides providing a “competitive advantage”.
The demand posed by the customers’ will be one of the vital are which will require increased focus from the business organisations’ part, while the same will shape the “next generation of sustainability initiatives”.
Likewise, the Antea Group informs:
“The automotive segment has long been a leader in driving environmental management and standardization, beginning with widespread adoption of ISO 14001 in the late 1990s. Over the years, this has increasingly extended beyond operational boundaries in engaging the broader supply chain”.
Further information can be available here.