Solar and Wind Energy: Key to California’s Net-Zero Emissions Goal by 2045


In the sun-soaked region of Southern California, a unique spectacle has emerged. The Knolls, an affordable housing complex in Orange, is now adorned with photovoltaic panels, lined up on its carports. This 260-unit apartment complex is reaping the advantages of a newly installed 646-kilowatt solar system, offering residents clean, renewable energy and significant savings on their electricity bills.

A resident of The Knolls, referred to as K.K., expressed satisfaction with the new solar initiative, highlighting its environmental benefits and the positive impact on their lifestyle. The savings accrued from reduced electricity bills are now being redirected to support their children.

The solar project is a collaborative effort between The Foundation for Affordable Housing, BLDG Partners, Sunrun, the city of Orange, and Southern California Edison, aimed at decreasing the community’s reliance on fossil fuels. The installation of 1,596 state-of-the-art solar panels across the property will cater to 65% of the community’s electricity requirements, transforming the rooftops into a source of clean energy.

Jonathan Russo, a senior asset manager at The Foundation for Affordable Housing and a native of Orange, emphasized the strong community spirit in the city. He noted that this project, which is expected to reduce the average household’s monthly electricity costs by $60, is a testament to their commitment to affordable, clean energy.

The realization of The Knolls project was facilitated by the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing program. This statewide initiative offers rebates to property owners who install solar systems in qualified low-income or disadvantaged community housing. The program also promotes energy efficiency measures, provides solar panel installation job training, fosters workforce development opportunities with a focus on local and targeted hires, and encourages tenant education and engagement.

The project is funded through the California Climate Investments initiative, with money sourced from the Cap-and-Trade Program auction proceeds. These funds, deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, are utilized to support the state’s objectives of carbon emission reduction and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

The Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing program has set a goal to install 300 MW of generating capacity by 2030. The Knolls, being the fourth-largest system that offers direct benefits to California renters, symbolizes the state’s dedication to climate impact reduction. Renters unable to install solar panels have the opportunity to participate in community-based renewable energy projects through SCE’s Community Renewables Program.
“The Knolls is the exact kind of project that is critical not only to accomplishing Southern California Edison’s clean energy vision to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also for making sure all customers realize the cost savings that come with clean energy,” said Cynthia Quimby, SCE Government Relations manager. “SCE remains committed to safely providing all of our customers with cost savings, as well as reliable and affordable energy, and we look forward to continuing to work with our partners and communities on future solutions.”
In the lead-up to 2045, Edison International has revised its study on the changes required to meet California’s mandate for net-zero emissions. The updated analysis indicates that solar and wind energy will be the primary sources of power for the majority of the day, accounting for 68% of the yearly energy required to meet grid demand. These initiatives are pivotal in reaching this target and establishing equitable and sustainable energy infrastructures.