Shannon Houde On Creating An Online Reputation


Maintain a successful profile online is the key behind a successful sustainability career. – 04 November 2016 – An article in Forbes reminds us that our actions along with other’s opinions about us are responsible in creating our reputation, whereby the Founder of “Walk of Life Consulting Limited”, Shannon Houde reminds up that the “your actions + what others say about you = your reputation” is a “formula” for achieving “employability” and “currency”, especially when it comes to the age of social media”.
Managers’ looking to hire employees screen through the Linkedln profiles to select “prospective candidates” is not a new news. Keeping this in mind, Houde, “executive coach” who specialises in “sustainability careers”, explains five “tricks” which can add that “shine” to a “professional profile” the employers’ seek for.
Houde says that “most people don’t realize that, rather than just managing for damage control, they could be managing online networks to actively add value to their reputation too”. 
According to Houde, in the competitive jobs market, a “strong digital reputation” can be of real “advantage”, especially in the field of sustainability which synthesises “integrity, community and credibility”.
Following are five “tricks” enumerated by Houde, which can help in leveraging “online reputation:
1) Be authentic 
2) Be a good listener
3) Be confident 
4) Be patient yet diligent
5) Let others do the talking 