Robin Kemp To Manage Advanced’s Sales In The U.K.


Taking yet another step in the Lux Intelligent investments of Advanced, the company brings in a dedicated face. – 30 November 2016 – Robin Kemp has been appointed as a “dedicated UK sales manager” in Advanced, the latter being a “global fire and life safety company”, under the ongoing investment of Advanced’s “Lux Intelligent emergency lighting testing system”.
The Product Manager of Emergency Lighting at Advanced, Dave Henderson, expresses his happiness:
“It’s fantastic that we now have Robin on the team to help grow our reputation and sales in the UK”.
While, HSE reports that:
“Compliant with BS 5266, Lux Intelligent is an addressable, automatic test system that shows all emergency lighting is compliant and functioning, with no engineer intervention required.
“It offers a host of unique technical features and will work with any light, fluorescent or LED.”