Revitalizing Habitats: Huber and Arbor Day Foundation’s Global Reforestation Effort


For the third year in a row, the J.M. Huber Corporation (Huber) is collaborating with the Arbor Day Foundation to promote tree planting in needy communities and forests globally. Moreover, this collaboration will initiate the Arbor Day Foundation’s Community Canopy program, which will provide trees to Huber employees throughout the U.S., offering them a direct chance to witness the advantages of community trees.
This year’s focus is on strategic reforestation efforts aimed at reviving essential wildlife habitats in Mississippi’s and Brazil’s biodiversity-rich areas. In northeastern Mississippi, areas of former coniferous forests have been divided and are now prone to erosion, which has led to the displacement of numerous indigenous species reliant on this habitat. On the eastern coast of Brazil, a mere 20 percent of the original Atlantic Rain Forest canopy is left, putting numerous endangered species at a critical risk of survival.
“Partnering with Huber allows us to continue making a significant impact in areas where the stakes are incredibly high,” stated Dan Lambe, Chief Executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “It’s vital to support local biodiversity in our joint efforts. Since forests house the majority of land-based life, it’s heartening to collaborate with a partner dedicated to preserving and enhancing the ecological well-being and durability of these ecosystems.”
Over the last five decades, the Arbor Day Foundation has endeavored to plant close to 500 million trees in forests and communities worldwide. With a vast network of partnerships, the Foundation spearheads projects that enable entities of various sizes to achieve their sustainability objectives through meaningful, effective tree and forest-related activities. The Foundation has also launched a campaign to plant 500 million trees in the next five years in the forests and communities most in need.
“We are excited to keep supporting the Arbor Day Foundation’s vision of planting, caring for, and honoring trees,” expressed Lea Volpe, Vice President of Communications & Community Relations at Huber. “Our backing mirrors Huber’s dedication to enhancing the present for a brighter future for individuals in the communities where we operate globally, as a family business spanning multiple generations.”
Beyond extensive tree planting in forests, Huber is set to back urban tree planting initiatives in Atlanta and Italy throughout 2024. These endeavors will provide Huber staff with volunteer opportunities to contribute to their communities. By introducing a variety of tree species, these initiatives will also boost biodiversity and fortify environmental resilience in urban settings, which are often the most vulnerable to the escalating impacts of climate change.