Pyrobian To Conduct Free ‘Annual Safety Inspections’


Expressing its concern over safety measurements against “defective explosions”, Pyrobian announces free inspection. – 22 February 2016 – The usage of “defective explosion proof forklifts”, especially in the “hazardous areas”, can lead to “highly explosive problem”. In order to counter the same issue, Pyroban is going to offer “Ex-ASA annual safety inspections” which forms part of the “purchase price of the conversion”.
Pyrobian is a specialist in providing protection for explosion related incidents. In a recent study, the company expressed its concerns regarding the fact that there are lacks and lags in carrying out safety measurements in a correct manner in some of the industry sites.
As a result, “many explosion proof forklifts are unsafe” and can cause a sudden blast. In the words of “group after sales manager”, Darren Boiling:
“Explosion proof forklifts are highly specialised pieces of safety equipment that should be maintained and audited in a very different way to standard forklifts”.
“We care about the continued safety of our customers and want to make sure they fully understand their responsibility and continued safety commitments.”
