Pepco’s Angel Tree Initiative: Spreading Holiday Joy for Over a Decade


For the past 14 years, Pepco’s Edison Place Gallery has been magically transformed into a bustling Santa’s Workshop, filled with an abundance of toys and presents. These gifts are part of the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree initiative, a program that connects sponsors with a deserving child, or “Angel”, who is in need. This initiative, which was started by the Salvation Army in 1979, aims to assist families who might struggle with the additional financial burden of buying toys and presents during the festive season.

Every year during the holiday season, our team members sponsor approximately 150 “Angels” from the District of Columbia and Maryland. All the presents are collected and brought back to our main facility, where our dedicated ‘elves’ begin the process of sorting, packing, and assembling the toys and gifts. Since 2009, this program has brought joy and happiness to over 2,000 children during the holiday season.

The Angel Tree initiative is a testament to our dedication to positively impacting the community and exemplifies our commitment as a responsible corporate entity in the regions we serve and where our employees reside and work.