Northern Trust Becomes ‘Diversity Champion’


Northern Trust’ senior leaders’ team highlights its commitments towards “diversity and inclusion”. – 22 August 2018 – The “Diversity & Inclusion Awards” highlights the company initiatives that targets to boost diversity in the advice industry and shapes an environment that is “more inclusive”. The Northern Trust has been called the “Diversity Champion”.
The “senior management ranks” indicates the commitment of the “Northern Trust Asset Management” towards “diversity and inclusion”, while it follows a “director of global diversity and inclusion” for ensuring that its policies, programmes and trainings retain “progressiveness”. The team of senior leaders at Northern Trust is diverse in terms of gender as well as ethnicity, as thirty eight percent of it comprises of women while another twenty three percent are African-Americans.
Moreover, right back from the 1980s, the company has been showing support towards “Business Resource Councils” such groups with their focus on “Asian, Black, Latino and LGBTQ professionals”. While, the President of the “Northern Trust Asset Management”, Shundrawn Thomas said:
“We believe that bringing together individuals with diverse experiences, perspective and qualities leads to better business outcomes, and creates great opportunities for all stakeholders”.
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