New Guideline On Long-Term Water Security


“Water is a global challenge that needs to be addressed locally at a catchment level”: C.E.O UN Global Compact. – 01 October 2019 – On August 27, 2019, at the “World Water Week” in Stockholm a new publication was released which contained guidelines for the companies to improve “long-term water security”.
The title of the same is “Setting Site Water Targets Informed by Catchment Context: A Guide for Companies”. It was co-developed by “the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, CDP, the Pacific Institute, The Nature Conservancy, UNEP-DHI Centre for Water and Environment, the World Resources Institute and WWF”.
In the words of the chief executive officer as well as the executive director of the “UN Global Compact”, Lise Kingo:
“As climate change impacts become more apparent, more floods and droughts are predicted, which leads to increased water risks. By 2025, two-thirds of the global population will live in water-stressed areas. Water is a global challenge that needs to be addressed locally at a catchment level. Our new guidance for companies explains how to set water targets to address catchment water risks, and — in turn — mitigate and adapt to the increasing effects of climate change.”
Rising water consumption across the world increases the pressure on the water resources, besides pollution, climate change and weak governance adds on to it. Water is a local resource unlike carbon. Therefore communities and businesses alike need to join hands for “long-term water security”. In this mission one needs to take into account not only “own water use and discharge, but the specific characteristics of each water catchment”, advises the new guide.
Every catchment area provides “a unique set of water challenges” while “setting site water targets” which can be achieved through information on “catchment context” in order to “drive effective action”. The “United Nations Global Compact” informs:
“According to the new guide, key elements of setting successful site water targets include examining and prioritizing water challenges in the catchment and determining the site’s contribution to addressing the priority challenges. By reducing water risk, capitalizing on opportunities and contributing to public policy priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals, site water targets can deliver tangible business value and drive collective action to meet desired water conditions”.