Napolitano’s ‘Audacious’ Carbon Neutral Plan For UC


The UC’s sustainable action to follow up COP21 climate commitments. – 26 October 2016 – Comparing the University of California would put the organisation on the “15th largest” state of the country. Likewise, the annual budget of the university turns out to be twenty times more than Arizona, which was governed by the governor “Janet Napolitano” between the years of 2003 to the year of 2009.
The University of California has ten “public university campuses”, along with “hospitals and research labs”, whereby the entire facility is set an “audacious” goal of “becoming carbon neutral in their energy consumption”.
Napolitano informed that the said decision of tackling the energy consumption as “a primary issue” at the University of California comes from the “same kind of assessment of meta risks” undertaking by her as the “secretary of Homeland Security”. She added that UC was the sole “educational institution” to be present at the COP21 meet in Paris, while UC also joined the “Bill Gate investment consortium” in support of the impact.
3BL Media, LLC also reports:
“Early work by Napolitano and her team ranges from the formation of the university’s own utility company, acquisition of two solar farms outside Fresno and incorporating sustainability into the architecture of the rapidly expanding UC Merced campus since the first stake was hammered”.
In her words about UC:
“It’s the first research university to be built in the United States in this century”.
The UC system incorporates sustainability as an essential part of its curriculum, giving an example of the same, Napolitano brings into notice “a UC Davis researcher who received university backing for a project to immediately use dining hall food waste as a fuel source for campus energy production”.