‘Michigan Carbon Monoxide Safety and Awareness Week’ Reminds People To Be Safe From Lethal CO Poisoning


Spreading awareness on the subject of “unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning” and recognising its symptoms could save many lives.

Dailycsr.com – 22 December 2017 – The “Gov. Rick Snyder, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Consumers Energy and DTE Energy” have joined hands to spread awareness on the “dangers of carbon monoxide”, whereby their collaborate efforts have designated the week of “Oct. 30-Nov. 5 as Michigan Carbon Monoxide Safety and Awareness Week”.
According to Snyder’s statement:
“Carbon monoxide poisoning sickens thousands of citizens and causes nearly 400 accidental deaths each year in the United States. Michigan residents should be aware that unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning can occur almost anywhere – in homes, businesses, RVs, cabins, boats and ice shanties.”
The poisoning of CO mainly takes place when an improper operation of “consumer products” or appliances takes place or they fail to undergo proper ventilation process, therefore appliances in the list of possible generators of CO are “furnaces, boilers, water heaters, ovens, fireplaces, portable heaters, generators and vehicles” among others.
While, the Gas Operations’ Vice President at Consumers Energy, Charles Crews said:
“We care about the communities we serve, and want people to know how to guard against carbon monoxide poisoning by knowing its signs, symptoms and causes”.
CO poisoning gives off various symptoms which could result in flu, “headaches, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath and stinging or burning of the eyes”. However, continued exposure to the same for a prolonged period of time could “cause loss of consciousness and even death”. In fact, when CO’s concentration is high it becomes a lethal agent in “less than five minutes”.
It is advised that on experiencing of the above mentioned symptoms or suspecting “carbon monoxide poisoning”, one should immediately evacuate the building, inform the emergency response line and seek “medical attention”. One should also make sure that the “problem has been corrected” before entering the same building.
In the words of the DTE Energy’s Corporate Safety Specialist, Nicholas Solomon:
“The best defense against CO poisoning is to install an Underwriters Laboratory-approved audible carbon monoxide alarm in a central location outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. We recommend interconnecting all CO alarms, so when one alarms they all alarm.”
Many smoke alarms also have the power to detect CO, while these combined alarms are easily found in “hardware and grocery stores” for purchase. However, one can also safeguard this problem by ensuring proper ventilation and operation of gas appliances along with carrying out an annual inspection.
Here is a list of other “tips” that could help in the protective steps against the deadly poisoning of CO, as mentioned by Ethical Performance:
Inspecting your furnace annually, with regular tune-ups performed by a qualified service professional. Changing or cleaning furnace air filters at least once every month (more if pets are present) during the heating season. Regularly inspecting your chimney and vent pipes to be sure they are free of obstructions like leaves and nests. Installing generators at least 25 feet from an enclosed area and away from doors, windows and fresh air intakes. Never use a generator in a basement, enclosed garage or near air intake pipes. Avoiding the use of gas stoves or charcoal grills to heat a building. Never leave a supplemental heater or fireplace unattended.