Merck pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from operations as part sustainability strategy


Any company attempting to meet the diverse needs of its locations faces a unique challenge with global operations. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its operations as part of its sustainability strategy, with a goal of reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to 2020. To achieve this goal, the company focuses on four areas:
New construction sustainability Emissions from industrial processes Renewable energy EDISON: the company’s flagship energy & water efficiency program

The EDISON program aims to reduce energy consumption in the company's operations by investing in energy efficiency and onsite renewable energy. The program was expanded in 2022 to include both energy and water efficiency, and a central pool of funding was established to support these projects. From 2022 to 2030, the company intends to invest up to €10 million per year to help sites improve their energy and water efficiency.

A state-of-the-art Biomass Central Heat plant in New Hampshire, USA, is one of many projects aimed at addressing the company's most difficult energy and water efficiency challenges. Biomass is a non-fossil organic fuel that can be used to generate heat. The plant supports 100% of the site's heating needs by using locally sourced wood chips, which replace over 400,000 gallons of oil per year and significantly reduce the plant's carbon dioxide emissions.

The EDISON program reduced gas consumption at a chiller plant in France by capturing heat rejected by chillers and converting it into 55°C hot water. By removing heat from the system and transferring it elsewhere, this refrigeration system provides consistent temperature and pressure to industrial processes.

EDISON assisted in the elimination of compressed air leaks, re-engineering drying systems, installing variable speed compressors with feedback control loops, and improving distribution networks to reduce electricity consumption in compressed air production.

Projects are chosen based on their contribution to achieving energy, greenhouse gas, and water reduction goals. EDISON will fund 40 projects totaling €9.3 million for 2023.

Learn more about the sustainable operations efforts of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany by clicking here.