Looking Into The Measures Taken To Contain Global Warming Impacts Worldwide


A “complimentary edition” of May Magazine prods further into “city profiling” as well as “renewable revolution”.

Dailycsr.com – 03 July 2017 – The “May Magazine” published by Ethical Corporation, has a forty pages long addendum, whereby the “complimentary edition” has been released by the Ethical Corporation which features the key points of “climate change briefings” on “city profiling” as well as “the 3-pronged renewables revolution”.
In order to download a copy of this complimentary edition, kindly visit:
In the year of 2016, hundred and ninety four countries came together to sign the Paris Agreement, whereby taking a collective pledge to contain the effects of global warming by adapting to “climate change”. However, the global temperature continues to rise resulting in the loss of “nearly 1 million hectares of coastal ecosystems” in the last year alone.
Moreover, as much as eleven percent of the global population are “vulnerable” to the impacts of climate change. In the Ethical Corporation’s edition of May, the magazine takes a look into the “steps being taken now to reach climate change targets”. Here is a list of ‘key points’ that form part of the May’s edition, as mentioned by Ethical Performance:
“City Profiling”: “The first briefing takes an in-depth look at how cities are marshalling private sector finance and collaborating with businesses to achieve their climate targets. The briefing profiles cities on four continents including: Vancouver, Stockholm, Shenzhen, Tokyo and Mexico”. “Renewables Revolution”: “The second briefing shines a spotlight on three of the big issues in the renewables revolution including: tackling the debate over the sustainability of biomass as a renewable energy source; the latest developments in energy storage; the effectiveness of new funding mechanisms to remove barriers for renewable energy in developing countries”.