GreenRoots: A Sustainable Thank You for First-Time DR Customers


For individuals new to the concept of demand response (DR), the decision to curtail energy consumption during peak demand hours is a novel yet influential commitment. Their involvement in the DR initiative contributes to the alleviation and modernization of the electrical grid while also playing a role in emissions reduction.
Fifteen years ago, we initiated the NRG GreenRoots program as an expression of gratitude for our customers' dedication to energy efficiency and sustainability. It's our way of expressing appreciation through eco-conscious actions.
A More Environmentally-Friendly Token of Appreciation
Since 2008, our acknowledgment of first-time DR participants has involved the planting of ten trees in their name via the NRG GreenRoots program. Our collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation facilitates the donation of trees to areas in need, resulting in over 32,000 trees planted to date.
Similar to our DR customers, trees have a substantial environmental impact. A mature tree can absorb over 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in a single year. Furthermore, trees contribute to ecosystem sustainability, enhance air and water quality, lower the planet's overall temperature, and provide numerous other ecological benefits.
Fostering a Sustainable Future
Environmental preservation is crucial for paving the way toward a brighter, sustainable future. With our ambitions of reducing emissions by 50% from a 2014 baseline by 2025 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, we are firmly committed to diminishing our carbon footprint and aiding our customers in doing the same.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our first-time DR customers for their involvement in the program and their dedication to making a positive impact on both the community and the environment.
Interested in Learning More About DR?
For those who want to delve deeper into the world of demand response (DR), participating in a DR program involves a commitment to lowering energy consumption during periods of peak demand. In exchange, customers are compensated for their responsible and efficient energy use.