Georgia-Pacific's Annual Charity Golf Tournament Raises $4.3 Million for Cancer Research


Georgia-Pacific employees, suppliers, and representatives from the City of Hope recently came together for an event aimed at supporting the fight against cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. 

The golf tournament, which consistently sells out year after year, often has suppliers eager to participate, resulting in some of them being placed on a waiting list. With over 250 participants gathered for the event, it became evident that the tournament was more than just a golf game; it symbolized a strong commitment to the cause and highlighted the impact of valuable partnerships. 

Held at the renowned Atlanta Athletic Club in Johns Creek, Georgia, this annual charity event is among Georgia-Pacific's most highly anticipated events. Over the past two decades, the tournament has contributed significantly, raising an impressive $4.3 million. These funds play a crucial role in enabling City of Hope, one of the 54 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the United States, to expand its mission of advancing research and saving lives in communities throughout the country. 

“Georgia-Pacific has always prioritized helping to improve the lives of others by focusing on solutions to contribute to prosperity through our economic activities and engaging in philanthropic activities,” said Lori Chennault, Senior Vice President of Sourcing. 

"This tournament is more than an event; it's a celebration of shared values, meaningful connections, and the incredible capacity to make a difference when people come together with a purpose."