GLA Extends Its Grasp To Reform Into GLAA


According to the reformed licensing regime every sector could be scrutinised and made subject to license. – 27 January 2016 – The responsibility of the GLA or the “Gangmasters Licensing Authority” has received an extension, whereby the reform of the “licensing regime” will cover every sector as directed by the government which plans on clamping down the possibilities of exploiting “vulnerable workers”.
After the reformation of GLA, the same will be called as “Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority”, in short GLAA, whereby the mission set before it will be to investigate into cases of worker exploitation, detect any possible threat of exploitation besides preventing the same from happening.
Moreover, a more “flexible” system of licensing will be started which will evaluate risk and pass judgement “on a sector-by-sector basis”. However, in its initial stages the licensing regime will continue in its present form, whereby it will apply to “labour suppliers for agriculture, horticulture and shellfish gathering”.
The power to decide the requirements of the “new sectors” being eligible subject to licensing will be left to the ministers. On the other hand, the suggestion of all the sectors being subject of licensing for providing labour supply has been rejected by the government. The government says the business compliance burdens should be reduced.
In fact, the “director of labour market enforcement” will be advising the ministers on the licensing matter.
