Field to Market Achieves Gold Level Equivalence in SAI Platform's FSA 3.0


During the June Plenary and General Assembly Meeting, Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture™ made an announcement regarding the commitment of the Fieldprint Platform™. The commitment involves meeting the criteria outlined in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance (LSRG) based on Field to Market's evaluation of the preliminary guidelines. This announcement aims to provide added value to Field to Market members by assisting them in establishing and tracking their sustainability objectives.
Numerous Field to Market members have set short-term or net-zero targets in alignment with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and intend to establish science-based targets for Forest, Land, and Agriculture (FLAG). Many members are currently utilizing or plan to utilize the GHG Protocol LSRG as a means to measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions and removals, thereby advancing their climate-related goals. As an organization led by its members and dedicated to continuous improvement, Field to Market acknowledges the significance of the GHG Protocol's guidance and its impact on members' sustainability commitments.
Once the LSRG is finalized, anticipated in June 2024, and after thorough assessment by its membership, Field to Market pledges to undertake the necessary measures to fulfill the requirements of the LSRG. This will involve enhancing the Fieldprint Platform and revising its sustainability metrics.
“This is an exciting time for the agricultural value chain and for Field to Market. We look forward to enhancing membership value by coordinating member feedback and providing input on the development of the GHG Protocol Land Sector Removals Guidance,” said Scott Herndon, Field to Market’s President. 
“While we await the finalized Guidance, Field to Market members can continue to use our comprehensive Fieldprint Platform to track their sustainable, regenerative, climate-smart, and Scope 3 goals.”
Field to Market is currently in the process of revising the Soil Carbon metric within the Fieldprint Platform. This revision aims to simplify and streamline the reporting of Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The updated metric will focus on quantifying carbon removals achieved through effective land management and agronomic practices.
“Once the Soil Carbon metric is revised and meets the requirements of the GHG Protocol, ESG reporters will be able to quantify both greenhouse gas emissions and removals using the Fieldprint Platform,” said Paul Hishmeh, Field to Market’s Vice President of Science and Technology. 
“Coupled with updates to the existing GHG metric used by members to account for key land management emissions, these upgrades will provide a robust platform for GHG accounting.”
Field to Market recently made an announcement regarding their achievement of the Gold Level Equivalence against SAI Platform's latest FSA 3.0. This prestigious rating represents the highest possible recognition available. If your organization is interested in discovering how Field to Market can provide assistance in monitoring and attaining sustainability objectives, you can reach out to Coralie Pierre, the Senior Manager of Programs and Partnerships.