FedEx’s ‘Global Citizenship Report’ 2017 Updates Its Progress Under 3 ‘Key Areas’


FedEx demonstrate a strong commitment towards its citizenship responsibilities, delivering through its missions and strategies. – 24 April 2017 – The “Global Citizenship Report” for the year of 2017, has been released at, whereby it talks about FedEx’ efforts at connecting “people, businesses and communities” that promoted “social and economic progress” that go along with “environmental sustainability”. In fact, FedEx’ core mission and “business strategy” is embedded in its responsibility towards its citizenship.
As a result, the said report informs about the “FY16 strategies, goals, programs and progress across the enterprise”. The performance of FedEx can be categories under “three key areas”, namely “Economy, Environment and People”. Here are some highlights from the report, as mentioned by Ethical Performance:
Spent $9.2 billion with diverse, minority, women-owned and other small business suppliers, a 37 percent increase from FY15. Invested more than $46 million in charitable contributions, benefiting 97 communities toward our commitment to invest $200 million in 200+ global communities by 2020. In total, FedEx charitable contributions equaled $57.29 million. Hosted 51 FedEx Know and Grow events for small business owners to learn how to expand to global markets, reaching more than 5,600 participants and increasing the cumulative total of customers who have benefited from this program to 86,500 since 2009.
Decreased the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the business by 5.7 percent from FY15 while growing revenue. Avoided more than 2 million metric tons of CO2e through fuel and energy saving initiatives across the enterprise – equivalent to the carbon sequestered by more than 1.9 million acres of U.S. forest in one year. Set a new goal to increase FedEx Express vehicle fuel efficiency 50 percent by 2025 from a 2005 baseline, after meeting the 2020 goal five years early. Brought three new on-site solar energy systems online at FedEx Ground facilities, bringing the total to 18 enterprise-wide, increasing on-site energy generation capacity by 1.5 MW and maintaining FedEx ranking as one of the top corporate users of solar power in the U.S. according to Solar Energy Industries Association.
Improved cross-operating company Lost Time Injury Rate by more than 7 percent from FY15. Retained 88 percent of full-time U.S. team members, up 8 percent from FY15. Received a ranking by Fortune magazine as one of the 10 Best Workplaces for African-Americans and one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. Supported 20,875 team members who volunteered 93,175 hours in more than 500 cities during FedEx Cares Week.