Deptford Brings Transparency At Affordable Price


Looking for a customised defibrillator with specified features that come in realistic rates? Deptford is the right person to meet. – 22 February 2016 - Andrew Deptford, the chairman of his “local parish council”, was responsible for buying a “defibrillator” machine that would be used for community welfare.
However, the process of acquire the same asset has been “quite a learning curve” for Deptford as he had to manoeuvre through “a minefield of misinformation” while fighting with “wildly enthusiastic costs”.
He spent a lot of time in researching for the right machine, whereby “navigating the plethora of information” provided on numerous websites all across the net. He met with “dozens of companies” who were selling the machine at a price that he considered to overly rated, while other competitors had “underspecified defibrillators”.
It is only after the above mentioned process, did Deptford decide to bring a transparency in the purchase process of defibrillators, whereby he began to “sell them himself” with the right information and the appropriate fitting machine for various scenarios like workplace, home or in community gathering halls.
All through, Deptford has attempted to make the transaction process “more ethical” in a way that is affordable and yet “user friendly”. As per Deptford’s words:
“Together we can save lives and do it for less”.
