Consumer Electric’s President & C.E.O’s Green Transportation Perspective


The many-faceted transformation in transport and energy sector seems to have a bright future. – 13 August 2018 – The Consumers Energy’s chief executive officer as well as president, Patti Poppe said that it has been more than a century that “Henry Ford, Ransom Olds, and Henry Leland” among other pioneers have facilitated the establishment of the “lasting reputation” enjoyed by Michigan as U.S.’s “automotive hub” and in turn spread across the world.
At present, the energy industry is acting as a pressure point, whereby these very companies in the automotive industry that helped the foundation are coming across as the next gen vehicle creators which is going to transform the way of living. Potentially, the a large share of the future media is going to be dedicated to the self-driving car technology, while in the meantime the electric vehicles are all equipped to run the “fast lane right now”.
Even though, the plug-in electric vehicles, in short EV only contributes to 1% of United States’ auto sales, the number is on the rise as the sale figures are growing almost at 30% “year over year”. According to last year’s forecast of the “EEI and the Institute for Electric Innovation” around seven million electric vehicles will be running on the roads of U.S. by the end of 2025.
Furthermore, Patti Poppe said:
“Change is coming fast to the automotive industry, and to the energy industry, too. Innovations in renewable energy and battery storage already are game changers, but the transition from gasoline-based engines to EVs is just as transformative”.
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