Children Get A Chance To Volunteer On Friendship Day’s Occassion


Emmy through her generationOn gives the school children the lesson that there is no age for contributing towards a positive change. – 01 August 2016 – Actress Emmy Perry, who founded “Emmy’s Hope and generationOn”, on the occasion of friendship day, talks about her views of a friend:
“To have great friends, you have to be a great friend. Sometimes you’re not together, but friends are there for you even when you don’t see them. They’ll always put a smile on your face when you need it most.”
On the 30th July 2016, Points of Light, and Hasbro Inc.’s youth division celebrated the Friendship Day, whereby kids were encouraged to volunteer in “Friend it Forward” initiatives. While, Emmy also added:
“My organization, Emmy’s Hope, helps find forever homes for dogs. My parents brought me to shelters to volunteer with them from a very young age, so I’ve always been passionate about it. I know I can make a difference in these animals’ lives – and I think that’s what friends do. They make a difference in our lives, and remind us that we matter.”
Behind Emmy’s tireless work, she receives support from her friends and family members, for she continues:
“Anything you do with friends is more fun, but I love that volunteering starts a chain reaction. I feel like I set a good example for my friends though volunteering, by showing compassion and love. Then they get inspired and do something good for others and pass it on, and it just keeps going.”
Taking advantage of the symbolic Friendship Day’s occasion, Emmy sends the message that one can always be an instrument to make a positive change. In Emmy’s words:
“Listen to your heart – whatever you care strongly about, you can help. That’s why I like generationOn. They encourage kids to go out and make a difference – it doesn’t matter what age you are! I like to say, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going – so let’s light up the world with love!’”