Britain Could Become An Example In Tackling Air Pollution With ‘Bold Action’


Polluted air quality of Britain could add to its Brexit woes. – 24 May 2017 – Most of the cities around the world have grown conscious about “air pollution”, whereby urging the governments to “take action to reduce it”. Similarly, places like the U.K. with its “emergency levels” of “nitrogen oxide and soot-like particulate matter” permeating the air, also harbours the opportunity of turning into “a global leader on the issue”.
In Britain, as many as forty thousand people die untimely death due to pollution, while around “a quarter of them” are from London alone. However, the Londoners are aware of the fact that the “public-health crisis” is “getting worse”. In fact, in the beginning of the year the air quality of London “fell below Beijing’s”.
While, Ethical Performance reports:
“Heavy pollution also saddles taxpayers with several billion pounds a year in healthcare costs. And it reduces London’s attractiveness to foreign companies at a time when,as a result of Brexit, its competitiveness  is being challenged by other financial capitals”.