Bacardi’s ‘Bottling Corporation’ Preserves Biodiversity Through Its ‘Daily Operations’


A lesson taught by Bacardi on business-conservation synthesis. – 22 August 2017 – Jacksonville’s “Bacardi Bottling Corporation”, leads the way in showing other businesses on merging corporate and conservation sector towards the “benefit of humans, animals, and the environment”.
The sustainability programmes under “Good Spirited” has reduced “35-ton” discards being ending up as landfill, while bringing down “carbon emissions” by as much as “90%”. Among the ongoing efforts of the plant dedicated to wildlife there are “a pollinator garden, increasing its size by 22 acres with native plants, and erecting bat houses”.
Bacardi Bottling Corporation has reduced its water and energy consumption besides “recycling 94% of its waste”, whereby upholding the company’s “responsibility” towards preserving “biodiversity” through “its daily operations”. For learning further about Bacardi’s “environmental initiative” as well as its “Good Spirited: Building a Sustainable Future”, kindly visit: