Arise With Its Peers Oppose New Off-Shore Wind Power Installation


The idea of developing off-shore wind power plants in Sweden was not supported by many ‘wind-power’ companies, including Arise. – 28 August 2015 – Sweden’s regulatory news informs that a group of “leading” wind-power companies of the country along with various landowner are of the opinion that creating a new separate offshore “wind power” support system would be an expensive affair besides being absolutely unnecessary for increasing Swedish renewable energy share. One can avail of the same facilities and the resulting benefits even through “onshore wind power”.
Sweden is not densely populated and holds “good wind resources”. Moreover, it has laid out a “strong” electric grid line. Likewise, Sweden hold immense opportunities for expanding its onshore wind power utilisation. In fact, if the country invests on building up the same structure on the sea water, the expenses would go up “by hundreds of billions of kronor”. Ultimately, this initial construction cost will come from the country’s electricity consumers; therefore many feel that it is
“...entirely without need”.
Although, there should be a shift towards “non-fossil fuel economy” as desired for green future of the world. However, given the present the “most cost-effective” solution for Sweden would be to continue on the “Swedish onshore wind power”. Nevertheless, the policymakers of Sweden will have to decide quickly on how best to come up with a revised support system for “renewable energy”. This policy is known as the “electricity certificate system”. Moreover, they also need to fix their level of raised ambitions on this path so as to keep a check on the financial aspect, whereby creating a cost effective and non-fossil fuel electricity for the future.
Talking about the authenticity of this information provided herewith, BusinessWire writes:
“The information contained herein constitutes information which Arise AB is legally required to publish under the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was released for publication at 09.15 a.m. on 28 August 2015”.
Arise is a well known name amongst the “leading wind power companies” of Sweden which aims at developing its business concept whereby building and managing “onshore wind farms” which they constructed and also “on behalf of investors”. The company is enlisted under “NASDAQ OMX Stockholm”.