AB InBev Moves Forward To Accomplish 100% Renewable Energy Sourcing By The Year Of 2025


AB InBev continues to shrink its environmental footprints.

Dailycsr.com – 12 May 2017 – The “largest brewery” of the world, AB InBev, wants to turn into hundred percent renewable electricity by the year of 2025.
Carrying out its business in fifty different countries, AB InBev’s brands ranges from “Budweiser” to “Stella Artois”, whereby calculations across its business operations showed that the move towards hundred percent renewable source of electricity will be equivalent to eliminating pollution on an annual basis caused by “500,000” cars’ in the U.S. Moreover, the brewery chain wishes to “obtain up to 85 per cent of its electricity” directly from “power providers” while the rest it plans on generating from “on-site installations” which also includes solar panels.
Furthermore, Ethical Performance also reports that:
“In recent years AB InBev has economised on water use, reducing the amount needed to make a litre of beer from five litres to just over three, thus cutting the energy consumed in the industrial process and in transferring water”.
In fact, the local ingredient sourcing programme has also added to the energy saving plans of the company. However, the company has “hopes” of wining back “young drinkers” given its “environmentally responsible stance”, as the latter tend to choose micro-breweries’ product for their “smaller environmental footprints”.
The company has a focussed mission of clean energy in Latin America, while in Mexico, it has entered into an agreement with the “Spanish clean energy company”, called Iberdrola, whereby the latter could be the supplier of AB InBev for “all its sites in the country”. In fact, Mexico is also part of the “US and Canada” pledge for fifty percent renewable sourcing by the year of 2025.
Several Brazilian sites of AB InBev is now “using biogas”, while expectations are there that forty percent of its energy consumption in Brazil to be renewable sourced by the year-end. In an encouraging note, Ethical Performance, adds:
“The International Renewable Energy Agency, the Abu Dhabi-based inter-governmental sustainability organisation, has estimated that energy-generated carbon dioxide emissions globally can be cut by 70 per cent by 2050 and phased out entirely by 2060”.  